Peringatan untuk aku yang selalu lupa

سُوۡرَةُ آل عِمرَان

رَبَّنَا لَا تُزِغۡ قُلُوبَنَا بَعۡدَ إِذۡ هَدَيۡتَنَا وَهَبۡ لَنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ رَحۡمَةً‌ۚ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ ٱلۡوَهَّابُ

[3:8] (Mereka berdo'a): "Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau jadikan hati kami condong kepada kesesatan sesudah Engkau beri petunjuk kepada kami, dan karuniakanlah kepada kami rahmat dari sisi Engkau; karena sesungguhnya Engkau-lah Maha Pemberi (karunia)".

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The World and Me,

The rain drops falling from the sky absorbing in my skin,
As I walk down slowly, in the chill and cozy lane,,
Some people in the busy street have so much to eat,
Somewhere else on the planet, there is nothing to feed,

The world have changed so much since the time I was born,
Paces of life have stepped up and left the slow behind,
The democrats and the birocrats has rule the economic world,
Homeless guys in the busy street looking for a pot of gold,

I see what my eyes can see,
Seeing things goes around and comes around,
The world is full of mysteries,
Pyramids stood all over the world,

The dolphins swim besides the majestic whales,
Hungry tiger hunting down the weakest deer,
And I am still standing here,
Letting the time pass me by,

Chorus 2:
The world has become a dumping ground,
Global warming threatening human kind,
Pollution is problem all over the world,
How can we enjoy the world and live a better day?

As I look up into the sky,
I pray to god for a peaceful life,
May the children have a better day,
May the world be a better place to stay,

The wind of change breezing gently,
Passing through this peaceful land,
And I pray to god may the world fill with laughter and joy,

The wind of change breezing gently,
Passing through this peaceful land,
And I pray to god may the world be a better place to stay

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