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Oil falls below $67 on demand worries
I believe this is more due to a corrective mechanism in the market, since the last time oil is shooting up is more due to a speculative and manupulative effort of the market and supported with the peak oil theory.... Well, I am not a very strong supporter of the Peak oil Theory.. Although I believe there is a real arguments in justifying the theories, but it is all in a debatable issues and there is always factors that can affected the progress towards a peak oil crisis...
Althogh the oil prices has decreased at a very drastic reduction, I hope this will not hamper the on-going effort to replace the dependency on oil to alternative energy... I hope all those people who are currently pursuing technological advances in alternative energy will not get frustrated or being darg down with the development in oil prices... I believe these continuing effort in finding replacement for oil is very important and very relevant.... we just cannot have the attitude like the malay proverbs "mendengar guruh dilangit air ditempayan habis dicurahkan" meaning you just throw away all your water supply because you just heard the thunder...
Hmm... patutnya kerajaan turunkan harga minyak sehingga RM1.80 seliter.. Kekadang bila kita kata pemimpin kurang kompeten, mereka tuduh kita macam-macam... tapi tengokla keadaan sekarang nie... amacam? harga minyak dah turun, tapi harga dalam negara tak turun-turun apehal?
Saudara letting,
memang kita nie jadi mangsa keadaan aje... Kerajaan pun nampaknya bukan hendak memulihkan ekonomi dan mendengar keluhan rakyat, hanya syok sendiir dan menaikkan gaji-gaji kakitangan awan sahaja, sedangkan ekonomi negara semakin meruncing...
BTW.. Guitar concerto tu sempoi gak... layan-layan kepala yang poning nie..
Harga minyak memang kian turun. Tapi adakah pemimpin kita sedar yang darah rakyat jelata kian naik setiap hari...?
Muka Pak Lah dah memang jemu kita tengok. Kini, semenjak dicanangkan sebagai 'future PM', muka Najib pulak berlambak-lambak di kaca TV.
mat labu & mat ekonomi
Tak tahula.. patutnya harga dah turun, tapi macam liat aje nak turun...
Pak Lah sangat bergantung kpd think tanknya dan Dato Najib masih belum tahu arah tujunya.. memang susah rakyat jadinya...
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